Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Switch Review: A Colorful Adventure for Nintendo Fans!

Welcome to our in-depth review of the Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch! This US version of the game offers a colorful and engaging gaming experience that has captured the hearts of many players. With its vibrant environments, strategic turn-based battles, and satisfying gameplay mechanics, Super Mario RPG is a must-have for any Nintendo Switch owner. Join us as we explore the features, gameplay, and overall experience of this beloved title. Let's dive in and see what makes this game a fan-favorite among gamers worldwide.

Product Description

The Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch (US Version) brings the beloved Mario franchise into the RPG genre, offering an exciting and nostalgic gaming experience for players of all ages. Jump through a colorful world and enhance your attacks in battles, adding a new dynamic to the traditional Mario gameplay. The vibrant environments are a delight to explore with your party, as you progress towards your next goal in the game.

Engage in turn-based battles by running into monsters with your party of three, strategizing your moves to defeat your foes. Timing is crucial in battles, as pressing the button at the right moment can result in extra damage or a well-timed guard, adding a layer of skill to the gameplay.

With a high rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 2360 ratings from satisfied customers, the Super Mario RPG promises an engaging and entertaining experience for Nintendo Switch players. Whether you're a longtime fan of the Mario franchise or new to RPG games, this title is sure to provide hours of fun and excitement.

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Pros and Cons


  1. Faithful Remake: Fans of the original Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars will appreciate the hyper faithful and improved version of the game on the Nintendo Switch. The enhancements add to the nostalgia while keeping the essence of the beloved classic intact.

  2. Engaging Storyline: Super Mario RPG on the Nintendo Switch offers an engaging storyline that captivates players from start to finish. The plot, characters, and gameplay come together seamlessly, providing a memorable gaming experience for both new and returning players.

  3. Updated Gameplay: The remake features some changes in the gameplay system that veterans of the original game will notice. These updates enhance the overall gaming experience, making it even more enjoyable and engaging for players of all levels.


  1. Expectation Misalignment: Some players expecting a traditional side-scrolling Mario game may be disappointed as Super Mario RPG on the Nintendo Switch is an RPG with a different gameplay style. It's essential for buyers to watch trailers and understand the game's genre before making a purchase.

  2. Limited Language Options: While the game is available in Spanish and English, some players may find the lack of additional language options limiting. Expanding the language choices could make the game more accessible to a wider audience.

  3. No True Sequel: Despite being a fantastic remake, some fans may still long for a true sequel to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. The absence of a direct follow-up could leave enthusiasts wanting more from the franchise.

Customer Reviews

The Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch has received outstanding feedback from customers, boasting a perfect 5-star rating on Amazon. Fans of the original game have expressed their delight with the updated version, praising it for staying true to the classic while enhancing the overall experience.

One reviewer noted, "This is an absolutely phenomenal, hyper faithful, and even improved version of Super Mario RPG's Legend of the Seven Stars." Another customer highlighted, "One of my favorite games of all time has been Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. I've always been bummed that there was never a true sequel...".

Additionally, the game's appeal extends beyond nostalgic players, with comments like, "If you are expecting a typical side scroll 2D jump, jump, jump Mario game, you will be disappointed." The positive sentiment is further reinforced by reviews such as, "I love the characters, story, and gameplay. I like how this version improved upon the original..."

Overall, the Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch has successfully captured the hearts of both long-time fans and newcomers, making it a must-have addition to any gaming collection.


The Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Switch (US Version) offers a delightful and nostalgic gaming experience for both long-time fans and newcomers to the series. With its vibrant environments, engaging turn-based battles, and improved gameplay mechanics, this game truly shines as a must-have for any Nintendo Switch owner.

One of the key benefits of this game is its faithful adaptation of the beloved Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, making it a treat for fans of the original. The addition of new features and enhancements only adds to the overall enjoyment of the gameplay experience.

While some may find the departure from traditional Mario platforming games a drawback, the engaging storyline, charming characters, and strategic battles more than make up for it. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from buyers further solidifies the game's reputation as a top-tier RPG title.

In conclusion, the Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Switch (US Version) is a fantastic addition to any gamer's collection, offering hours of fun and nostalgia. Don't miss out on this gem of a game!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this game suitable for all ages?

    • Yes, Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch is a family-friendly game suitable for players of all ages. The game's charming characters, engaging storyline, and accessible gameplay make it enjoyable for both kids and adults.
  • What makes this version different from the original Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

    • The Nintendo Switch version of Super Mario RPG offers improved graphics and performance, enhancing the visual experience while maintaining the essence of the original game. Additionally, there are subtle gameplay tweaks that veterans of the original title may notice, adding a fresh twist to this classic RPG.
  • Does this game offer a multiplayer mode?

    • Super Mario RPG on Nintendo Switch is a single-player RPG experience. While it doesn't feature a multiplayer mode, the captivating story, exciting battles, and nostalgic elements make it a compelling solo adventure for players to enjoy.
  • Can I play this game on the Nintendo Switch Lite?

    • Yes, you can play Super Mario RPG on the Nintendo Switch Lite. The game is compatible with both the standard Nintendo Switch and the Lite version, allowing you to embark on Mario's epic quest on the go or from the comfort of your home.
  • How long is the gameplay duration of Super Mario RPG?

    • The gameplay duration of Super Mario RPG can vary depending on your play style and how thoroughly you explore the game world. On average, players can expect to spend around 20-25 hours completing the main storyline and engaging in side quests, providing ample content for an immersive gaming experience.

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