Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut Review: A Must-Have Nintendo Switch Game in 2023

Welcome to our in-depth review of "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" for Nintendo Switch! This game, originally a PC hit, has made its way to consoles with a host of exciting features. From its branching narrative to its hand-penciled art style, there's a lot to unpack in this unique gaming experience. Join us as we delve into the world of Slay the Princess and discover why it's capturing the attention of gamers everywhere.

Product Description

The "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" is a highly anticipated video game that has made its mark as Metacritic’s #5 best-reviewed PC game of 2023, now making its debut on consoles in its definitive form. This game offers a unique gaming experience with a fully voice-acted narrative by the talented Jonathan Sims and Nichole Goodnight.

One of the standout features of this game is its branching narrative, where player choices shape both the character's identity and the direction of the story. This adds a layer of depth and personalization to the gameplay, making each playthrough a unique experience.

The hand-penciled art style sets "Slay the Princess" apart from other games, with every background and sprite meticulously drawn with pencil and paper by the award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard. This artistic approach brings a distinctive and visually appealing aesthetic to the game.

Contrary to the title, the Princess in this game is not a cosmic horror but an ordinary human Princess, adding an interesting twist to the traditional princess-rescue trope. Players are challenged to slay the Princess using their wit and skills, making it a thought-provoking and engaging gameplay experience.

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Pros and Cons


  1. Innovative Gameplay: The branching narrative of "Slay the Princess" offers a unique gaming experience where your choices shape the story and your character's development. This interactive narrative aspect adds depth and replay value to the game.

  2. Top-Notch Voice Acting: With voice acting by Jonathan Sims and Nichole Goodnight, the game brings the characters to life with compelling performances that enhance the immersive nature of the gameplay. Players can truly connect with the story and its characters.

  3. Stunning Hand-Penciled Art: The hand-drawn art style by award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard gives "Slay the Princess" a visually striking and artistic appeal. The traditional pencil and paper artwork adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the game's aesthetics.


  1. Limited Platform Availability: As the game is currently only available for the Nintendo Switch, players with other gaming consoles or platforms may miss out on experiencing this critically acclaimed title.

  2. Linear Storyline: Despite the branching narrative, some players may find the overall storyline somewhat linear, limiting the extent of true player agency and potentially reducing the replay value for those seeking more varied outcomes.

  3. Subjective Theme: The concept of slaying a princess, even if she is depicted as an ordinary human, may not appeal to all players due to personal preferences or sensitivities towards the theme of violence against royalty.

Customer Reviews

The customer reviews for "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" on Amazon are overwhelmingly positive, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. Players have praised the game for its unique storytelling, captivating voice acting, and beautifully hand-drawn art style. One reviewer commented, "The branching narrative in this game is truly impressive. Every decision feels impactful, and the voice acting brings the characters to life." Another reviewer mentioned, "The hand-penciled art adds a special charm to the game. It's a refreshing change from the usual digital graphics."

Players have also appreciated the option to shape the story based on their beliefs and choices. One review stated, "I love how my decisions influence not only the outcome but also my character's development. It adds a layer of depth to the gameplay." Overall, customers seem to be thoroughly enjoying their experience with "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut," with many describing it as a must-play for fans of narrative-driven games.


After delving deep into the world of "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut," it's clear that this game offers a unique and captivating experience for players. The combination of a well-crafted narrative, exceptional voice acting, and hand-penciled art sets it apart from other games in the genre.

One of the standout features of this game is the branching narrative that truly puts the player in control of their destiny. The voice acting by Jonathan Sims and Nichole Goodnight adds a layer of immersion that enhances the storytelling experience. Additionally, the hand-drawn art by Abby Howard brings a charming and nostalgic feel to the game.

While the concept of slaying a princess may not appeal to everyone, the game makes it clear that she is just an ordinary human princess, not a cosmic horror. This twist adds an intriguing element to the storyline.

Overall, "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" is a must-have for fans of narrative-driven games looking for a fresh and engaging experience on the Nintendo Switch. Get ready to embark on a journey where your choices truly matter.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I play this game on platforms other than Nintendo Switch?

Unfortunately, "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" is currently only available for the Nintendo Switch console. It has not been announced for release on any other platforms at this time.

2. Is this game suitable for all ages?

While "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" does not feature graphic violence or mature content, it is recommended for players aged 13 and older due to its complex narrative and themes. Younger players may find some aspects of the game challenging to understand.

3. How long is the gameplay experience?

The length of gameplay for "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" can vary depending on how players choose to navigate the branching narrative. On average, players can expect to spend around 10-15 hours completing the game. However, the replay value is high, as different choices can lead to alternate storylines.

4. Does this game have replay value?

Yes, "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" offers significant replay value due to its branching narrative structure. Players can make different choices throughout the game, leading to multiple endings and outcomes. This encourages players to revisit the game and explore different story paths.

5. Are there any additional features or bonuses included with the game?

Aside from the main gameplay experience, "Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut" also includes fully voice-acted dialogue by talented voice actors Jonathan Sims and Nichole Goodnight. Additionally, the hand-penciled art by award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard adds a unique and visually captivating element to the game.

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